Build Your Remarkable Practice for Chiropractors

006 - Rubik’s Cube: Part 2 - Your Team, Your Training, and Practice Energy

Episode Summary

Dr. Bobby and Dr. Lona continue the conversation on the 6 things all chiros need to get right to grow their practices and build their practice dream. Listen to see if you are solving your own practice Rubik’s Cube of vision, leadership, systems, people, training, and energy!

Episode Notes

Dr. Bobby and Dr. Lona continue the conversation on the 6 things all chiros need to get right to grow their practices and build their practice dream. Listen to see if you are solving your own practice Rubik’s Cube of vision, leadership, systems, people, training, and energy! 

Key Highlights

01:33 - Building a successful practice through teamwork and delegation.

04:24 - The value of finding the right people who are aligned with the vision and core values of a business.

06:12 - The need for leaders to inspire and align employees around a shared vision, rather than simply focusing on profits or productivity.

11:36 - The role of training in practice growth and success.

15:39 - Creating the  clarity of vision and investing in team members for growth.

19:03 - How energy problems can lead to interpersonal issues and a lack of growth in a practice.

24:41 - The importance of systems in chiropractic practices to maintain energy and success.


Resources Mentioned

To schedule a Strategy Session with Dr Lona:

To schedule a Strategy Session with Dr Bobby:

Learn more about the Build Your Remarkable Practice:

Learn what it takes to be Remarkable!: